About Us

It was the winter of 2018 when gym friends started a group for casual running to incorporate another type of activity in their health routine. Group slowly gained momentum and many new runners started to join for a 5 KM run every Wednesday. During the covid lockdowns, Wednesday Night Pacers attracted many runners from different walks of life and became one of the mainstream running groups of Karachi. Today, with more than 60 members out of which half have completed full marathons both in local and international events and nearly all of them have completed half marathons; is considered to be the largest group in Pakistan with such distinction.

Founding member Danish Raza has been instrumental in assembling this group, coaching individuals, and organising events. It is his vision that has become reality in the form of WNP. With many national and international records under belt for WNP members, there are aggressive plans for the future to represent Pakistan in major Marathons around the world.

A Short and sweet background Video of “Wednesday Night Pacers” a road Running club based in Karachi Pakistan. Our goal is to represent Pakistan in Marathons and Triathlons Internationally.

Danish RAZA


A businessman by profession and also founding member of WNP. He has been the man behind what WNP is today. Ever since his inclusion into running and cycling communities, he has been on a mission to transform health activities in Karachi. Represented Pakistan in many marathons around the world. Also 2 times Ironman 70.3 as well.



A teacher by day and a runner by night. His passion, dedication and energy has been the fuel behind WNP’s success. With several marathons under his belt, he is also the captain of WNP and the force behind WNP’s success. His passion to keep engaging the community into healthy activities and organizing running events is unparalleled.


Sadiq Kamdar
bilal khalid malik
Danish Raza
Shahbaz ashraf
yawar tanveer qureshi